2x222tons LNG tanks in the port of Hamburg


On their journey from the Czech Republic to Lithuania, two LNG tanks weighing each ca. 222.000kgs where transshipped in D-Hamburg. We attended the transshipment including cargo securing and all operations were carried out under our close surveillance.

LNG Tank Transshipment
LNG Tank Transshipment
LNG Tank Transshipment
LNG Tank Transshipment
LNG Tank Transshipment
LNG Tank Transshipment
LNG Tank Transshipment
LNG Tank Transshipment
LNG Tank Transshipment
LNG Tank Transshipment
LNG Tank Transshipment
LNG Tank Transshipment
LNG Tank Transshipment
LNG Tank Transshipment

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GEES Engineering GmbH
Kugelbreite 5
D-33154 Salzkotten / Germany

Tel.: +49 (0) 52 58 / 9 30 18-15 
Fax: +49 (0) 52 58 / 9 30 18-18
E-Mail: info@gees.cc
Website: www.gees.cc